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News > Emergency First Aid Training


Emergency First Aid Training

By Mike Rushton      25th February 2015

Following straight after the Tamarack Tribe navigation course in February Kev and Mike shot up to Borrowdale in the Lakes to attend a two day Emergency First Aid course with a company called Mountain Sense who are based in Keswick. After a fraught drive in driving snow and rain to Glaramara Outdoor Centre at Seathwaite, the course started.

This first aid course was different to any we had attended before, being really hands on with a good mix of classroom and outdoor scenarios which you don't get on standard HSE First Aid at Work type courses. I think over the two days between us we personally suffered, cardiac arrest, a paragliding accident, major allergic reaction, rock fall and Kev took a massive lob off a rock face... all simulated of course!!

The course was delivered by Chris Gillyon & Chris Harling from Mountain Sense who are both serving members of Keswick Mountain Rescue Team and have many hours in the mountains not just in Cumbria but all over the world. 

A big thanks to Mountain Sense for delivering a no-nonsense, professional course which has given us the confidence to deal with any scenario in the unlikely event a situation occurs in the mountains or on our courses.

Oh... we both passed the course.

To check out the Mountain Sense website, click here>>



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