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News > Tamarack Tribe Navigation Course Feb 2015


Tamarack Tribe Navigation Course Feb 2015

By Mike Rushton      27th February 2015

The weekend of 21 & 22 February saw the navigation course start at Bowley Scout Camp and Activity Centre. Day one was pretty much classroom work looking at features, grid references, how to use the compass, pacing and timing. In the late afternoon all the students armed with the knowledge from earlier in the day had to plan a route card for the following day.

The Sunday saw an early start to our start point on the wonderfully wild Anglezarke Moor. All students had a fair grasp on navigation after the third point as we started to hit the moorland proper. A little rain ensued that very quickly turned into a horizontal blizzard, but all students took this in there stride and navigated with accuracy.

A big thanks goes out to all the students who attended the course. 

Kev managed to grab a few clips of video in the classroom and on Anglezarke Moor -  before the weather kicked in !!!


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